3 Ways to Win in Digital Marketing

3 Ways to Win in Digital Marketing

If your Digital Marketing efforts aren't translating to sales, this blog is for you.

Your business has a website, social media handles, an email newsletter & yet your customers aren’t finding you. They’re not engaging, clicking, or buying. As a result, your business feels stagnant, flat. We've all been there: putting in a lot of work, not seeing any results, wondering what's wrong. Marketing your business can seem like an overwhelming task, but don’t despair, we’re here to help.

Winning through your digital marketing channels is totally doable. Though digital marketing encompasses a lot of tactics, we like to prioritize what we call the big 3: Social Media, Search Engine Optimization & Email Marketing. Follow these 3 ways to win in each of these platforms & watch results roll in!

Social Media: 3 Ways to Win

Pick your platforms. You don't have to be on every single social media platform in order to be successful. Focus on the platforms your target audience uses most & be most active there. For example, if you’re an interior design business where visuals really sell your services, make Instagram your top priority.

Be consistent. Post at least 3 times a week on your target platforms. Consistency helps your posts be seen, build trust with your audience, & grow your presence.

Mix it up. Make sure your content isn't repetitive by sharing different types of posts. Don't forget to show some personality -- customers want to interact with brands they can connect to personally.

Search Engine Optimization: 3 Ways to Win

Optimize your bios. Search engines love consistency across the digital space. Make sure all your digital spaces have a clear bio/description of what you do & the services you offer.

Get an SEO Plug-In. Help search engines understand what content your website provides by optimizing its content for SEO. Your business will begin to show up more in search results.

Create fresh content. Don't underestimate the power of new content on your website. Brainstorm content that will resonate with your audience & post it on a consistent basis on your website. Don’t forget to promote this new content via social media & your email newsletters.

Email Marketing: 3 Ways to Win

Bring your sign-up above the fold. Make sure your email sign-up is easy to find when someone lands on your site. The top navigation bar is a great place to start.

Write intriguing Subject Lines. You don't have to give the contents of your email away immediately. Instead, tease the value found within the email with a dynamic subject line. Don't be afraid to use characters & emojis.

Have clear calls to action. You're sending them an email because you want them to engage, so make it easy for them to. Use active verbs & clean, concise calls to action for maximum clicks.

When you break each digital marketing platform up into 3 ways to win you will feel less overwhelmed & have an action plan to start gaining momentum in the digital space. Are you ready to win in digital marketing? Reach out to us today & let’s maximize your channels!

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